måndag 31 december 2012

So why did I die?

Well, yesterday it seemed once again, that if there is no grenade around, I will run in a random direction and find one. At one time there was a grenade resting gently in the middle of the little plaza by the Seine Crossing C-flag. Me, obviously worrying that the poor grenade would never be able to fulfill its killing destiny, ran all the way up the stairs from the A-flag, straight at it and all but threw myself on it.

The things I will do to make grenades happy...

Welcome back. Not.

After ten days of holiday I returned to the battlefield. First round was a little awkward, I was basically trying to get my aim back, wondering if someone had messed with my sensitivity while I was gone, because it felt way too high. But alas, it was just me. The second round I had my shit together again, and our little clan was doing really well. Well, until we were banned.

Ten days and I had forgotten the depths of admin immaturity.
Now, one question. Why do I have to "accept"? I don't get the option "do not accept" because there is no point in that. I just get simple information: "You have been banned from this server", why can't it just say "close"? Nitpicking, I know. But it annoys me more than being banned. 

lördag 29 december 2012

The Detox and the Writing

It's been Christmas. I've been away and I am still away visiting family far up north in Sweden, eating incredible amounts of food, playing with the kids and freezing my fingers and toes off. And I haven't been playing for a little more than a week. But of course I could not go a week without thinking of the battlefield, so when I had the chance to write something for this swedish gaming blog that I really, really like, I wrote about Battlefield and gaming as female. Duh.

For you swedes, my guest column is at http://www.svampriket.se/2012/12/2012-att-vinna-ar-att-vara-en-man/. (Och om ni inte redan gör det, följ svampriket.se, det är verkligen Sveriges mysigaste spelblogg.)

For you non-swedes, I'm sorry, but google translate will torture and murder our language, please do not visit such horror on my little piece of writing.

I estimate my return to Battlefield to take place on New Year's day, and by then I will probably get motion sickness just trying to move.

torsdag 20 december 2012

I need a word!

I need to find a word that describes a very very bad surprise, which isn't really a surprise because you've encountered it countless times before but you still don't really expect it because you can't expect it every single time, so it still happens because you only kinda, half-knew it. A seriously bad non-surprise. That you hate.

Like C4 on flags in domination.

We could rename that mode C4 mode.

But I still need a word for that kind of really bad non-surprise.

tisdag 18 december 2012

Playing tag

I'd forgotten how much fun it is to knife people! We were at a TDM at Noshar Canals and I got a couple of knife kills, decided that I should try to get myself a melee ribbon - I very rarely get those since I usually forget my knife - and i ended up with 16 knife kills. I laughed the whole game through, and it was just great fun, giving me a little challenge in that kind of chaos.

I will definitely be doing that again, so watch your backs :)

söndag 16 december 2012

Still sniping. Still dying.

Thing is, I am beginning to realise that one kill with a bolt action sniper rifle is easily as rewarding as 10 assault rifle kills. The satisfation of nailing that headshot with one perfect bullet (particularly if the recipient of said bullet is running or jumping) just cannot compare to mowing people down while running and gunning.

I just wish I was better at it. But then again, I once sucked at all things BF3 and now i don't.

lördag 15 december 2012

The importance of wanting to win. And spawn beacons.

Yesterday, me and Geefat joined a round where we were down by about 700 tickets, and trapped in our base. It was Metro, we were US and the other team were just spawn killing us down in the tunnels. They had hardly lost a ticket - the score was about 1500 -800, in their favour. A hopeless game.

So I went as recon with a M5K and an xbow with scan bolts. I scanned the tunnel ahead of me to be able to flank as safely as possible, and I got through to A where I put up a spawn beacon as well hidden as I could though I was in a hurry. And then we took A. We were joined by HydrothaBlaster so there were three of us in the squad and we just continued to harass A.

Everytime I died I just spawned back to A and put a spawn beacon up again. Geefat and Hydro contined to spawn in at A, cleaning out the opposition, and sometimes went pushing for B and C, killing people off and capping, while I stayed at A at all times, forcing the other team to constantly split up and deal with me.

Even if I was alone I could still cap the flag, so they had to have people at A at all times. And still we took that flag over and over. And of course, by doing so, our team got a chance to take both C and B. Which they did. They didn't give up, they didn't settle for sniping out of our deployment. They wanted to win and they went on a rampage. The top two guys in our team ended up with 167 and 174 kills.

And the enemy was suddenly constantly on the bleed. They could not hold on to their closest base and were stuck mostly with B, where they died and died, while the bleed just counted down their tickets.

I sometimes had more than a whole squad of enemies busy chasing only me. Which is a waste of resources on their side, but if they don't, well, then our team keeps A, they have enemies coming at them from both sides and the bleed won't stop. And they killed me over and over, but I killed them a little more, and I came right back. I can't imagine their frustration not being able to leave A without seeing it start to blink again.

We won. We won by 152 tickets.

Thing is, I finished 10th in my team scorewise, kd 65-42, but I felt incredilby satisfied because I knew that I was essential in turning that game around. And more than I ever felt when I get the MVP-ribbon, I felt like a valuable player. We freaking won.

Good game. Good game.

fredag 14 december 2012

Sniping 101

I am trying to learn how to handle bolt action sniper rifles. They are a bitch! And by bitch, as usual, I mean they are awesome but not particularly user friendly.

Since I'll never be the kind of player who patiently waits on a rooftop for someone to saunter by, and maybe get ten kills if I'm lucky and many travel that route, I slapped an ACOG on a M40A5 and went medium distance agressive sniping.

By that I mean I first ran around with the iron sights on the thing to even unlock the god damned ACOG, since I had zero kills with the M40A5 before embarking on this little adventure. I am just not a natural sniper.

Target aquiring is hard. Positioning yourself is hard. Switching to pistol if the first shot fails to kill is not so hard, but often results in me getting killed. The hardest part is not to be the first one running for the flag. I always, always go for the objective, it's hard wired into my brain. I see that orange diamond and i have to go. I have to. Pulling back and trying to protect your team mates from a defensive position is just a totally different playing style.

I am dying a lot now. I'm starting to feél all noobish again.

But I will frakking learn how to do this.

I knew it!

Fascinating little video about the long term beneficial effects of fast paced action games - like Battlefield 3s. Playing online shooters seems to help you learn, focus, multitask and of course, improve your spatial intelligence.

söndag 9 december 2012

Going gold

I'm now a colonel100. I reached shit bucket status yesterday and I now rock the golden tags that bears testimony to my obsession. I would have gotten there sooner, if I hadn't made my sistermachinegun account a colonel 20 in a parallell battlefield universe. And I'm kinda happy about having her - sistermachinegun is my retirement plan or something like it.

Because what now? I just go on? No more promotions? No more stars or eagles in ever shinier colours?

I feel so empty now.

But golden still.

Trouble reading?

Yesterday I kicked and then banned a guy on my team for repeatedly putting C4 on the flags despite that being the only rule on my server - do not C4 the flags. Don't do it. Because it's a cheap tactic that empties servers like no other weapon or tactic can ever do. I don't like rules, but I have found that when people start dying on flags from C4, they leave. And I want people to have a good time on my server.

Anyway. I got the usual whining message sent to me. This time it was "fucking pussy wanker". So I replied that the rule is no C4 on flags and he actually had the benefit of being warned first. Then he replied that he didn't put the C4 ON the flag, he put it BY the flag. (For an example, he had put it all over the bar desk by A at Operation 925.)

I found this hilarious. What, in his mind you can't put the C4 on the flagpole? On the fabric of the actual flag? I told him that he put it in the fuckin flag cap zone every time, and urged him to think this through.

He answered "Pussy. Think about that"

So I said since I'm a woman, I kinda like having a pussy but don't think much about it. Unlike him who seems to think about it a lot but probably don't have any.

So as always, we go from annoyance to insults and end in the eternal question of The Pussy. Be one, have one, want it... But use it as an insult, and you fail. Because, well - "having balls" as a metaphor for being tough is stupid. They are the most unpractical and sensitive body parts ever made. No, as someone once said, it's the pussy that can take a pounding.

Think about that.